Business Registration and Licenses Application
get in touch with usThere’s no doubt that starting your own business is exciting. But the excitement ends when you realize the amount of time needed to get the required licenses and register your company correctly. At Marigu Consulting, we handle the entire process for you!
Most small businesses need a combination of licenses and permits from both federal and state agencies. The requirements — and fees — vary based on your business activities, location, and government rules.
Additionally, some states require you to file the Articles of Incorporation/ association with the Secretary of State of that region.
What benefits do I get for properly registering my business?
- Registration Provides a Tax Benefit.
- Gives Your Business Credibility/ reputation.
- Your Perpetual Existence/ Transferability.
Protect your personal assets from lawsuits /creditors.
Easier to raise capital/ Protects your brand. …
Do you want to register a Limited Liability Company ( LLC), a Partnership, an INC Corporation (S or C Corp)? We got you covered.
We assist in getting all the licenses required for your business, filing the Articles of Incorporation at the state level, applying for the Employer Identification Number ( EIN), and filing Form 2553 ( for S-Corp). Please talk to us or write us a note of where we can help.