Tax Resolution is the process of working with the IRS and tax professionals to find a solution to your tax problems. The IRS might have an issue with your tax return or tax situation for a few reasons. For example, if you have a complicated tax return, the IRS might audit you to verify that you report the appropriate amount of income and claim legitimate deductions. In some cases, the IRS might believe you have underreported your income, and it might want to take a closer look at your tax situation.

Our tax professionals help you to; organize your paperwork, guide you in gathering your receipts and information, have it managed by expense categories, summarize records, and double-check your invoices and expense totals.

If you have employees, we help you have their payroll information gathered together. Depending on your business size or level of complication of your return, our tax professionals will outline what you need to present to them for your taxes to be accurate.

Do you need help with filing back taxes? They may be easy to forget but failing to file your tax returns are criminal offenses that can be punished with jail time – up to one year for each year not filed. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 26 U.S. Code § 7203 says, “Willful failure to file a tax return is a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $25,000 ($100,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution”.
A Federal Tax Liens can really make your life miserable! When your taxes are not paid, the IRS establishes a lien against all your assets (especially real estate). The lien gives the IRS the legal right to collect taxes from the sale of your assets, which includes just about everything you own.
Audit Represenation
Have you received an IRS letter? Gathering all necessary documents, communicating with the Auditor, and filing your taxes is intensive and time-consuming. Remember that not complying with an IRS Audit Officer can result in severe tax bills, so it’s best not to delay. Our dedicated team of tax experts offers Audit Representation. Once we take up your case, we will handle it every step of the process; forward notification of an audit to us, and we handle it from A to Z. Rarely will you have to talk to the IRS.
You received a notice of “intent to Levy” 30 days ago, and you forgot or ignored it. Now it’s Payday. Expecting a check to be deposited in your bank, you check your account, and there is ALMOST NOTHING left? You talk to your bank and find that the IRS has taken most of your money. Whatever’s left is not enough to pay the rent, car payment, buy groceries, or pay the rest of the bills. This action will continue on every check due you until the tax owed is paid in FULL
A seizure is the taking of physical assets, such as your home or car. Seizures usually happen in aggravated cases where a taxpayer continuously ignores many requests by the IRS over a long period to pay their outstanding taxes.
Levies can really do a lot of damage and even ruin your life. A levy is the IRS’s way of getting your immediate attention. The IRS is making a strong statement, saying that “we have tried to communicate with you, but you have ignored us.” Levies are used to seize your wages and whatever other assets you have. IF YOU OWN IT, THEY CAN TAKE IT. That includes checking accounts, auto’s, stocks, bonds, boats, paychecks, and even Social Security checks!

Step by step

How Our Tax Resolution Process Works


Phase 1

A Start of Something New: 3-4 Weeks. In this phase, we begin the IRS tax debt relief process. First, we conduct our first interview with you, gather all necessary documents, and communicate with the IRS or State regarding your tax situation. The next step is for us to provide you with these findings.


Phase 2

The Beginning of the End: 1-3 Months. This phase is the beginning of the end of your anxieties! We catch up on bookkeeping, run profit & loss statements, and prepare unfiled tax returns in this phase.


Phase 3

The Last Step of The Process: 6-12 Months. The most exciting part! In this step, we will negotiate with IRS or State to achieve the best tax solution, including offers in compromise or payment plans.

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